; ; Author: Bradley A. Minch ; Organization: Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering ; Revision History: ; 01/19/2006 - Added wait for initial SE0 condition to clear at the end ; of InitUSB. ; 01/13/2006 - Fixed problem with DATA OUT transfers (only worked properly ; with class requests) in ProcessSetupToken. Added code to ; disable all EPs except EP0 on a valid SET_CONFIGURATION ; request. Changed code to use BSTALL instead of EPSTALL for ; Request Error on EP0. Changed CLEAR_FEATURE, SET_FEATURE ; and GET_STATUS requests to use BSTALL instead of EPSTALL. ; Changed over from the deprecated __CONFIG assembler directive ; to config for setting the configuration bits. Eliminated the ; initial for loop from the start of the main section. ; 06/22/2005 - Added code to disable all endpoints on USRTIF and to mask ; bits 0, 1, and 7 of USTAT on TRNIF in ServiceUSB. ; 04/21/2005 - Initial public release. ; ; ============================================================================ ; ; Peripheral Description: ; ; This peripheral enumerates as a vendor-specific device. The main event loop ; blinks an LED connected to RA1 on and off at about 2 Hz and the peripheral ; responds to a pair of vendor-specific requests that turn on or off an LED ; ; connected to RA0. The firmware is configured to use an external 4-MHz ; crystal, to operate as a low-speed USB device, and to use the internal ; pull-up resistor. ; ; ============================================================================ ; ; Software Licence Agreement: ; ; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED IN AN "AS IS" CONDITION. NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER ; EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED ; WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY ; TO THIS SOFTWARE. THE AUTHOR SHALL NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE ; FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. ; #include #include "usb_defs.inc" #include "engr2210.inc" ; __CONFIG _CONFIG1L, _PLLDIV_1_1L & _CPUDIV_OSC1_PLL2_1L & _USBDIV_2_1L ; __CONFIG _CONFIG1H, _FOSC_XTPLL_XT_1H & _FCMEM_OFF_1H & _IESO_OFF_1H ; __CONFIG _CONFIG2L, _PWRT_OFF_2L & _BOR_ON_2L & _BORV_21_2L & _VREGEN_ON_2L ; __CONFIG _CONFIG2H, _WDT_OFF_2H & _WDTPS_32768_2H ; __CONFIG _CONFIG3H, _MCLRE_ON_3H & _LPT1OSC_OFF_3H & _PBADEN_OFF_3H & _CCP2MX_ON_3H ; __CONFIG _CONFIG4L, _STVREN_ON_4L & _LVP_OFF_4L & _ICPRT_OFF_4L & _XINST_OFF_4L & _DEBUG_OFF_4L ; __CONFIG _CONFIG5L, _CP0_OFF_5L & _CP1_OFF_5L & _CP2_OFF_5L & _CP3_OFF_5L ; __CONFIG _CONFIG5H, _CPB_OFF_5H & _CPD_OFF_5H ; __CONFIG _CONFIG6L, _WRT0_OFF_6L & _WRT1_OFF_6L & _WRT2_OFF_6L & _WRT3_OFF_6L ; __CONFIG _CONFIG6H, _WRTB_OFF_6H & _WRTC_OFF_6H & _WRTD_OFF_6H ; __CONFIG _CONFIG7L, _EBTR0_OFF_7L & _EBTR1_OFF_7L & _EBTR2_OFF_7L & _EBTR3_OFF_7L ; __CONFIG _CONFIG7H, _EBTRB_OFF_7H config PLLDIV = 1 config CPUDIV = OSC3_PLL4 config USBDIV = 2 config FOSC = XTPLL_XT ; config FCMEM = OFF config IESO = OFF config PWRT = OFF config BOR = ON ; config BORV = 21 config VREGEN = ON config WDT = OFF config WDTPS = 32768 config MCLRE = ON config LPT1OSC = OFF config PBADEN = OFF config CCP2MX = ON config STVREN = ON config LVP = OFF ; config ICPRT = OFF config XINST = OFF config DEBUG = OFF config CP0 = OFF config CP1 = OFF config CP2 = OFF config CP3 = OFF config CPB = OFF config CPD = OFF config WRT0 = OFF config WRT1 = OFF config WRT2 = OFF config WRT3 = OFF config WRTB = OFF config WRTC = OFF config WRTD = OFF config EBTR0 = OFF config EBTR1 = OFF config EBTR2 = OFF config EBTR3 = OFF config EBTRB = OFF #define SHOW_ENUM_STATUS #define SET_RA0 0x01 ; vendor-specific request to set RA0 to high #define CLR_RA0 0x02 ; vendor-specific request to set RA0 to low bank0 udata USB_buffer_desc res 4 USB_buffer_data res 8 USB_error_flags res 1 USB_curr_config res 1 USB_device_status res 1 USB_dev_req res 1 USB_address_pending res 1 USB_desc_ptr res 1 USB_bytes_left res 1 USB_loop_index res 1 USB_packet_length res 1 USB_USTAT res 1 USB_USWSTAT res 1 COUNTER_L res 1 COUNTER_H res 1 STARTUP code 0x0000 goto Main ; Reset vector nop nop goto $ ; High-priority interrupt vector trap nop nop nop nop nop nop goto $ ; Low-priority interrupt vector trap USBSTUFF code Descriptor movlw upper Descriptor_begin movwf TBLPTRU, ACCESS movlw high Descriptor_begin movwf TBLPTRH, ACCESS movlw low Descriptor_begin banksel USB_desc_ptr addwf USB_desc_ptr, W, BANKED ifset STATUS, C, ACCESS incf TBLPTRH, F, ACCESS ifset STATUS, Z, ACCESS incf TBLPTRU, F, ACCESS endi endi movwf TBLPTRL, ACCESS tblrd* movf TABLAT, W return Descriptor_begin Device db 0x12, DEVICE ; bLength, bDescriptorType db 0x10, 0x01 ; bcdUSB (low byte), bcdUSB (high byte) db 0x00, 0x00 ; bDeviceClass, bDeviceSubClass db 0x00, MAX_PACKET_SIZE ; bDeviceProtocol, bMaxPacketSize db 0xD8, 0x04 ; idVendor (low byte), idVendor (high byte) db 0x01, 0x00 ; idProduct (low byte), idProduct (high byte) db 0x00, 0x00 ; bcdDevice (low byte), bcdDevice (high byte) db 0x01, 0x02 ; iManufacturer, iProduct db 0x00, NUM_CONFIGURATIONS ; iSerialNumber (none), bNumConfigurations Configuration1 db 0x09, CONFIGURATION ; bLength, bDescriptorType db 0x12, 0x00 ; wTotalLength (low byte), wTotalLength (high byte) db NUM_INTERFACES, 0x01 ; bNumInterfaces, bConfigurationValue db 0x00, 0xA0 ; iConfiguration (none), bmAttributes db 0x32, 0x09 ; bMaxPower (100 mA), bLength (Interface1 descriptor starts here) db INTERFACE, 0x00 ; bDescriptorType, bInterfaceNumber db 0x00, 0x00 ; bAlternateSetting, bNumEndpoints (excluding EP0) db 0xFF, 0x00 ; bInterfaceClass (vendor specific class code), bInterfaceSubClass db 0xFF, 0x00 ; bInterfaceProtocol (vendor specific protocol used), iInterface (none) String0 db String1-String0, STRING ; bLength, bDescriptorType db 0x09, 0x04 ; wLANGID[0] (low byte), wLANGID[0] (high byte) String1 db String2-String1, STRING ; bLength, bDescriptorType db 'M', 0x00 ; bString db 'i', 0x00 db 'c', 0x00 db 'r', 0x00 db 'o', 0x00 db 'c', 0x00 db 'h', 0x00 db 'i', 0x00 db 'p', 0x00 db ' ', 0x00 db 'T', 0x00 db 'e', 0x00 db 'c', 0x00 db 'h', 0x00 db 'n', 0x00 db 'o', 0x00 db 'l', 0x00 db 'o', 0x00 db 'g', 0x00 db 'y', 0x00 db ',', 0x00 db ' ', 0x00 db 'I', 0x00 db 'n', 0x00 db 'c', 0x00 db '.', 0x00 String2 db Descriptor_end-String2, STRING ; bLength, bDescriptorType db 'E', 0x00 ; bString db 'N', 0x00 db 'G', 0x00 db 'R', 0x00 db ' ', 0x00 db '2', 0x00 db '2', 0x00 db '1', 0x00 db '0', 0x00 db ' ', 0x00 db 'P', 0x00 db 'I', 0x00 db 'C', 0x00 db '1', 0x00 db '8', 0x00 db 'F', 0x00 db '2', 0x00 db '4', 0x00 db '5', 0x00 db '5', 0x00 db ' ', 0x00 db 'U', 0x00 db 'S', 0x00 db 'B', 0x00 db ' ', 0x00 db 'F', 0x00 db 'i', 0x00 db 'r', 0x00 db 'm', 0x00 db 'w', 0x00 db 'a', 0x00 db 'r', 0x00 db 'e', 0x00 Descriptor_end InitUSB clrf UIE, ACCESS ; mask all USB interrupts clrf UIR, ACCESS ; clear all USB interrupt flags movlw 0x14 movwf UCFG, ACCESS ; configure USB for full-speed transfers and to use the on-chip transciever and pull-up resistor movlw 0x08 movwf UCON, ACCESS ; enable the USB module and its supporting circuitry banksel USB_curr_config clrf USB_curr_config, BANKED clrf USB_USWSTAT, BANKED ; default to powered state movlw 0x01 movwf USB_device_status, BANKED movlw NO_REQUEST movwf USB_dev_req, BANKED ; No device requests in process #ifdef SHOW_ENUM_STATUS clrf TRISB, ACCESS ; set all bits of PORTB as outputs movlw 0x01 movwf PORTB, ACCESS ; set bit zero to indicate Powered status #endif repeat ; do nothing... untilclr UCON, SE0, ACCESS ; ...until initial SE0 condition clears return ServiceUSB select caseset UIR, UERRIF, ACCESS clrf UEIR, ACCESS break caseset UIR, SOFIF, ACCESS bcf UIR, SOFIF, ACCESS break caseset UIR, IDLEIF, ACCESS bcf UIR, IDLEIF, ACCESS bsf UCON, SUSPND, ACCESS #ifdef SHOW_ENUM_STATUS movlw 0xE0 andwf PORTB, F, ACCESS bsf PORTB, 4, ACCESS #endif break caseset UIR, ACTVIF, ACCESS bcf UIR, ACTVIF, ACCESS bcf UCON, SUSPND, ACCESS #ifdef SHOW_ENUM_STATUS movlw 0xE0 andwf PORTB, F, ACCESS banksel USB_USWSTAT movf USB_USWSTAT, W, BANKED select case POWERED_STATE movlw 0x01 break case DEFAULT_STATE movlw 0x02 break case ADDRESS_STATE movlw 0x04 break case CONFIG_STATE movlw 0x08 ends iorwf PORTB, F, ACCESS #endif break caseset UIR, STALLIF, ACCESS bcf UIR, STALLIF, ACCESS break caseset UIR, URSTIF, ACCESS banksel USB_curr_config clrf USB_curr_config, BANKED bcf UIR, TRNIF, ACCESS ; clear TRNIF four times to clear out the USTAT FIFO bcf UIR, TRNIF, ACCESS bcf UIR, TRNIF, ACCESS bcf UIR, TRNIF, ACCESS clrf UEP0, ACCESS ; clear all EP control registers to disable all endpoints clrf UEP1, ACCESS clrf UEP2, ACCESS clrf UEP3, ACCESS clrf UEP4, ACCESS clrf UEP5, ACCESS clrf UEP6, ACCESS clrf UEP7, ACCESS clrf UEP8, ACCESS clrf UEP9, ACCESS clrf UEP10, ACCESS clrf UEP11, ACCESS clrf UEP12, ACCESS clrf UEP13, ACCESS clrf UEP14, ACCESS clrf UEP15, ACCESS banksel BD0OBC movlw MAX_PACKET_SIZE movwf BD0OBC, BANKED movlw low USB_Buffer ; EP0 OUT gets a buffer... movwf BD0OAL, BANKED movlw high USB_Buffer movwf BD0OAH, BANKED ; ...set up its address movlw 0x88 ; set UOWN bit (USB can write) movwf BD0OST, BANKED movlw low (USB_Buffer+MAX_PACKET_SIZE) ; EP0 IN gets a buffer... movwf BD0IAL, BANKED movlw high (USB_Buffer+MAX_PACKET_SIZE) movwf BD0IAH, BANKED ; ...set up its address movlw 0x08 ; clear UOWN bit (MCU can write) movwf BD0IST, BANKED clrf UADDR, ACCESS ; set USB Address to 0 clrf UIR, ACCESS ; clear all the USB interrupt flags movlw ENDPT_CONTROL movwf UEP0, ACCESS ; EP0 is a control pipe and requires an ACK movlw 0xFF ; enable all error interrupts movwf UEIE, ACCESS banksel USB_USWSTAT movlw DEFAULT_STATE movwf USB_USWSTAT, BANKED movlw 0x01 movwf USB_device_status, BANKED ; self powered, remote wakeup disabled #ifdef SHOW_ENUM_STATUS movlw 0xE0 andwf PORTB, F, ACCESS bsf PORTB, 1, ACCESS ; set bit 1 of PORTB to indicate Powered state #endif break caseset UIR, TRNIF, ACCESS movlw 0x04 movwf FSR0H, ACCESS movf USTAT, W, ACCESS andlw 0x7C ; mask out bits 0, 1, and 7 of USTAT movwf FSR0L, ACCESS banksel USB_buffer_desc movf POSTINC0, W movwf USB_buffer_desc, BANKED movf POSTINC0, W movwf USB_buffer_desc+1, BANKED movf POSTINC0, W movwf USB_buffer_desc+2, BANKED movf POSTINC0, W movwf USB_buffer_desc+3, BANKED movf USTAT, W, ACCESS movwf USB_USTAT, BANKED ; save the USB status register bcf UIR, TRNIF, ACCESS ; clear TRNIF interrupt flag #ifdef SHOW_ENUM_STATUS andlw 0x18 ; extract EP bits select case EP0 movlw 0x20 break case EP1 movlw 0x40 break case EP2 movlw 0x80 break ends xorwf PORTB, F, ACCESS ; toggle bit 5, 6, or 7 of PORTB to reflect EP activity #endif clrf USB_error_flags, BANKED ; clear USB error flags movf USB_buffer_desc, W, BANKED andlw 0x3C ; extract PID bits select case TOKEN_SETUP call ProcessSetupToken break case TOKEN_IN call ProcessInToken break case TOKEN_OUT call ProcessOutToken break ends banksel USB_error_flags ifset USB_error_flags, 0, BANKED ; if there was a Request Error... banksel BD0OBC movlw MAX_PACKET_SIZE movwf BD0OBC ; ...get ready to receive the next Setup token... movlw 0x84 movwf BD0IST movwf BD0OST ; ...and issue a protocol stall on EP0 endi break ends return ProcessSetupToken banksel USB_buffer_data movf USB_buffer_desc+ADDRESSH, W, BANKED movwf FSR0H, ACCESS movf USB_buffer_desc+ADDRESSL, W, BANKED movwf FSR0L, ACCESS movf POSTINC0, W movwf USB_buffer_data, BANKED movf POSTINC0, W movwf USB_buffer_data+1, BANKED movf POSTINC0, W movwf USB_buffer_data+2, BANKED movf POSTINC0, W movwf USB_buffer_data+3, BANKED movf POSTINC0, W movwf USB_buffer_data+4, BANKED movf POSTINC0, W movwf USB_buffer_data+5, BANKED movf POSTINC0, W movwf USB_buffer_data+6, BANKED movf POSTINC0, W movwf USB_buffer_data+7, BANKED banksel BD0OBC movlw MAX_PACKET_SIZE movwf BD0OBC, BANKED ; reset the byte count movwf BD0IST, BANKED ; return the in buffer to us (dequeue any pending requests) banksel USB_buffer_data+bmRequestType ifclr USB_buffer_data+bmRequestType, 7, BANKED ifl USB_buffer_data+wLength, NE, 0 orif USB_buffer_data+wLengthHigh, NE, 0 movlw 0xC8 otherwise movlw 0x88 endi otherwise movlw 0x88 endi banksel BD0OST movwf BD0OST, BANKED ; set EP0 OUT UOWN back to USB and DATA0/DATA1 packet according to request type bcf UCON, PKTDIS, ACCESS ; assuming there is nothing to dequeue, clear the packet disable bit banksel USB_dev_req movlw NO_REQUEST movwf USB_dev_req, BANKED ; clear the device request in process movf USB_buffer_data+bmRequestType, W, BANKED andlw 0x60 ; extract request type bits select case STANDARD call StandardRequests break case CLASS call ClassRequests break case VENDOR call VendorRequests break default bsf USB_error_flags, 0, BANKED ; set Request Error flag ends return StandardRequests movf USB_buffer_data+bRequest, W, BANKED select case GET_STATUS movf USB_buffer_data+bmRequestType, W, BANKED andlw 0x1F ; extract request recipient bits select case RECIPIENT_DEVICE banksel BD0IAH movf BD0IAH, W, BANKED movwf FSR0H, ACCESS movf BD0IAL, W, BANKED ; get buffer pointer movwf FSR0L, ACCESS banksel USB_device_status movf USB_device_status, W, BANKED ; copy device status byte to EP0 buffer movwf POSTINC0 clrf INDF0 banksel BD0IBC movlw 0x02 movwf BD0IBC, BANKED ; set byte count to 2 movlw 0xC8 movwf BD0IST, BANKED ; send packet as DATA1, set UOWN bit break case RECIPIENT_INTERFACE movf USB_USWSTAT, W, BANKED select case ADDRESS_STATE bsf USB_error_flags, 0, BANKED ; set Request Error flag break case CONFIG_STATE ifl USB_buffer_data+wIndex, LT, NUM_INTERFACES banksel BD0IAH movf BD0IAH, W, BANKED movwf FSR0H, ACCESS movf BD0IAL, W, BANKED ; get buffer pointer movwf FSR0L, ACCESS clrf POSTINC0 clrf INDF0 movlw 0x02 movwf BD0IBC, BANKED ; set byte count to 2 movlw 0xC8 movwf BD0IST, BANKED ; send packet as DATA1, set UOWN bit otherwise bsf USB_error_flags, 0, BANKED ; set Request Error flag endi break ends break case RECIPIENT_ENDPOINT movf USB_USWSTAT, W, BANKED select case ADDRESS_STATE movf USB_buffer_data+wIndex, W, BANKED ; get EP andlw 0x0F ; strip off direction bit ifset STATUS, Z, ACCESS ; see if it is EP0 banksel BD0IAH movf BD0IAH, W, BANKED ; put EP0 IN buffer pointer... movwf FSR0H, ACCESS movf BD0IAL, W, BANKED movwf FSR0L, ACCESS ; ...into FSR0 banksel USB_buffer_data+wIndex ifset USB_buffer_data+wIndex, 7, BANKED ; if the specified direction is IN... banksel BD0IST movf BD0IST, W, BANKED otherwise banksel BD0OST movf BD0OST, W, BANKED endi andlw 0x04 ; extract the BSTALL bit movwf INDF0 rrncf INDF0, F rrncf INDF0, F ; shift BSTALL bit into the lsb position clrf PREINC0 movlw 0x02 movwf BD0IBC, BANKED ; set byte count to 2 movlw 0xC8 movwf BD0IST, BANKED ; send packet as DATA1, set UOWN bit otherwise bsf USB_error_flags, 0, BANKED ; set Request Error flag endi break case CONFIG_STATE banksel BD0IAH movf BD0IAH, W, BANKED ; put EP0 IN buffer pointer... movwf FSR0H, ACCESS movf BD0IAL, W, BANKED movwf FSR0L, ACCESS ; ...into FSR0 movlw high UEP0 ; put UEP0 address... movwf FSR1H, ACCESS movlw low UEP0 movwf FSR1L, ACCESS ; ...into FSR1 movlw high BD0OST ; put BDndST address... movwf FSR2H, ACCESS banksel USB_buffer_data+wIndex movf USB_buffer_data+wIndex, W, BANKED andlw 0x8F ; mask out all but the direction bit and EP number movwf FSR2L, ACCESS rlncf FSR2L, F, ACCESS rlncf FSR2L, F, ACCESS rlncf FSR2L, F, ACCESS ; FSR2L now contains the proper offset into the BD table for the specified EP movlw low BD0OST addwf FSR2L, F, ACCESS ; ...into FSR2 ifset STATUS, C, ACCESS incf FSR2H, F, ACCESS endi movf USB_buffer_data+wIndex, W, BANKED ; get EP and... andlw 0x0F ; ...strip off direction bit ifset USB_buffer_data+wIndex, 7, BANKED ; if the specified EP direction is IN... andifclr PLUSW1, EPINEN, ACCESS ; ...and the specified EP is not enabled for IN transfers... bsf USB_error_flags, 0, BANKED ; ...set Request Error flag elsifclr USB_buffer_data+wIndex, 7, BANKED ; otherwise, if the specified EP direction is OUT... andifclr PLUSW1, EPOUTEN, ACCESS ; ...and the specified EP is not enabled for OUT transfers... bsf USB_error_flags, 0, BANKED ; ...set Request Error flag otherwise movf INDF2, W ; move the contents of the specified BDndST register into WREG andlw 0x04 ; extract the BSTALL bit movwf INDF0 rrncf INDF0, F rrncf INDF0, F ; shift BSTALL bit into the lsb position clrf PREINC0 banksel BD0IBC movlw 0x02 movwf BD0IBC, BANKED ; set byte count to 2 movlw 0xC8 movwf BD0IST, BANKED ; send packet as DATA1, set UOWN bit endi break default bsf USB_error_flags, 0, BANKED ; set Request Error flag ends break default bsf USB_error_flags, 0, BANKED ; set Request Error flag ends break case CLEAR_FEATURE case SET_FEATURE movf USB_buffer_data+bmRequestType, W, BANKED andlw 0x1F ; extract request recipient bits select case RECIPIENT_DEVICE movf USB_buffer_data+wValue, W, BANKED select case DEVICE_REMOTE_WAKEUP ifl USB_buffer_data+bRequest, EQ, CLEAR_FEATURE bcf USB_device_status, 1, BANKED otherwise bsf USB_device_status, 1, BANKED endi banksel BD0IBC clrf BD0IBC, BANKED ; set byte count to 0 movlw 0xC8 movwf BD0IST, BANKED ; send packet as DATA1, set UOWN bit break default bsf USB_error_flags, 0, BANKED ; set Request Error flag ends break case RECIPIENT_ENDPOINT movf USB_USWSTAT, W, BANKED select case ADDRESS_STATE movf USB_buffer_data+wIndex, W, BANKED ; get EP andlw 0x0F ; strip off direction bit ifset STATUS, Z, ACCESS ; see if it is EP0 banksel BD0IBC clrf BD0IBC, BANKED ; set byte count to 0 movlw 0xC8 movwf BD0IST, BANKED ; send packet as DATA1, set UOWN bit otherwise bsf USB_error_flags, 0, BANKED ; set Request Error flag endi break case CONFIG_STATE movlw high UEP0 ; put UEP0 address... movwf FSR0H, ACCESS movlw low UEP0 movwf FSR0L, ACCESS ; ...into FSR0 movlw high BD0OST ; put BD0OST address... movwf FSR1H, ACCESS movlw low BD0OST movwf FSR1L, ACCESS ; ...into FSR1 movf USB_buffer_data+wIndex, W, BANKED ; get EP andlw 0x0F ; strip off direction bit ifclr STATUS, Z, ACCESS ; if it was not EP0... addwf FSR0L, F, ACCESS ; add EP number to FSR0 ifset STATUS, C, ACCESS incf FSR0H, F, ACCESS endi rlncf USB_buffer_data+wIndex, F, BANKED rlncf USB_buffer_data+wIndex, F, BANKED rlncf USB_buffer_data+wIndex, W, BANKED ; WREG now contains the proper offset into the BD table for the specified EP andlw 0x7C ; mask out all but the direction bit and EP number (after three left rotates) addwf FSR1L, F, ACCESS ; add BD table offset to FSR1 ifset STATUS, C, ACCESS incf FSR1H, F, ACCESS endi ifset USB_buffer_data+wIndex, 1, BANKED ; if the specified EP direction (now bit 1) is IN... ifset INDF0, EPINEN, ACCESS ; if the specified EP is enabled for IN transfers... ifl USB_buffer_data+bRequest, EQ, CLEAR_FEATURE clrf INDF1 ; clear the stall on the specified EP otherwise movlw 0x84 movwf INDF1 ; stall the specified EP endi otherwise bsf USB_error_flags, 0, BANKED ; set Request Error flag endi otherwise ; ...otherwise the specified EP direction is OUT, so... ifset INDF0, EPOUTEN, ACCESS ; if the specified EP is enabled for OUT transfers... ifl USB_buffer_data+bRequest, EQ, CLEAR_FEATURE movlw 0x88 movwf INDF1 ; clear the stall on the specified EP otherwise movlw 0x84 movwf INDF1 ; stall the specified EP endi otherwise bsf USB_error_flags, 0, BANKED ; set Request Error flag endi endi endi ifclr USB_error_flags, 0, BANKED ; if there was no Request Error... banksel BD0IBC clrf BD0IBC, BANKED ; set byte count to 0 movlw 0xC8 movwf BD0IST, BANKED ; send packet as DATA1, set UOWN bit endi break default bsf USB_error_flags, 0, BANKED ; set Request Error flag ends break default bsf USB_error_flags, 0, BANKED ; set Request Error flag ends break case SET_ADDRESS ifset USB_buffer_data+wValue, 7, BANKED ; if new device address is illegal, send Request Error bsf USB_error_flags, 0, BANKED ; set Request Error flag otherwise movlw SET_ADDRESS movwf USB_dev_req, BANKED ; processing a SET_ADDRESS request movf USB_buffer_data+wValue, W, BANKED movwf USB_address_pending, BANKED ; save new address banksel BD0IBC clrf BD0IBC, BANKED ; set byte count to 0 movlw 0xC8 movwf BD0IST, BANKED ; send packet as DATA1, set UOWN bit endi break case GET_DESCRIPTOR movwf USB_dev_req, BANKED ; processing a GET_DESCRIPTOR request movf USB_buffer_data+(wValue+1), W, BANKED select case DEVICE movlw low (Device-Descriptor_begin) movwf USB_desc_ptr, BANKED call Descriptor ; get descriptor length movwf USB_bytes_left, BANKED ifl USB_buffer_data+(wLength+1), EQ, 0 andiff USB_buffer_data+wLength, LT, USB_bytes_left movf USB_buffer_data+wLength, W, BANKED movwf USB_bytes_left, BANKED endi call SendDescriptorPacket break case CONFIGURATION movf USB_buffer_data+wValue, W, BANKED select case 0 movlw low (Configuration1-Descriptor_begin) break default bsf USB_error_flags, 0, BANKED ; set Request Error flag ends ifclr USB_error_flags, 0, BANKED addlw 0x02 ; add offset for wTotalLength movwf USB_desc_ptr, BANKED call Descriptor ; get total descriptor length movwf USB_bytes_left, BANKED movlw 0x02 subwf USB_desc_ptr, F, BANKED ; subtract offset for wTotalLength ifl USB_buffer_data+(wLength+1), EQ, 0 andiff USB_buffer_data+wLength, LT, USB_bytes_left movf USB_buffer_data+wLength, W, BANKED movwf USB_bytes_left, BANKED endi call SendDescriptorPacket endi break case STRING movf USB_buffer_data+wValue, W, BANKED select case 0 movlw low (String0-Descriptor_begin) break case 1 movlw low (String1-Descriptor_begin) break case 2 movlw low (String2-Descriptor_begin) break default bsf USB_error_flags, 0, BANKED ; Set Request Error flag ends ifclr USB_error_flags, 0, BANKED movwf USB_desc_ptr, BANKED call Descriptor ; get descriptor length movwf USB_bytes_left, BANKED ifl USB_buffer_data+(wLength+1), EQ, 0 andiff USB_buffer_data+wLength, LT, USB_bytes_left movf USB_buffer_data+wLength, W, BANKED movwf USB_bytes_left, BANKED endi call SendDescriptorPacket endi break default bsf USB_error_flags, 0, BANKED ; set Request Error flag ends break case GET_CONFIGURATION banksel BD0IAH movf BD0IAH, W, BANKED movwf FSR0H, ACCESS movf BD0IAL, W, BANKED movwf FSR0L, ACCESS banksel USB_curr_config movf USB_curr_config, W, BANKED movwf INDF0 ; copy current device configuration to EP0 IN buffer banksel BD0IBC movlw 0x01 movwf BD0IBC, BANKED ; set EP0 IN byte count to 1 movlw 0xC8 movwf BD0IST, BANKED ; send packet as DATA1, set UOWN bit break case SET_CONFIGURATION ifl USB_buffer_data+wValue, LE, NUM_CONFIGURATIONS clrf UEP1, ACCESS ; clear all EP control registers except for EP0 to disable EP1-EP15 prior to setting configuration clrf UEP2, ACCESS clrf UEP3, ACCESS clrf UEP4, ACCESS clrf UEP5, ACCESS clrf UEP6, ACCESS clrf UEP7, ACCESS clrf UEP8, ACCESS clrf UEP9, ACCESS clrf UEP10, ACCESS clrf UEP11, ACCESS clrf UEP12, ACCESS clrf UEP13, ACCESS clrf UEP14, ACCESS clrf UEP15, ACCESS movf USB_buffer_data+wValue, W, BANKED movwf USB_curr_config, BANKED select case 0 movlw ADDRESS_STATE movwf USB_USWSTAT, BANKED #ifdef SHOW_ENUM_STATUS movlw 0xE0 andwf PORTB, F, ACCESS bsf PORTB, 2, ACCESS #endif break default movlw CONFIG_STATE movwf USB_USWSTAT, BANKED #ifdef SHOW_ENUM_STATUS movlw 0xE0 andwf PORTB, F, ACCESS bsf PORTB, 3, ACCESS #endif ends banksel BD0IBC clrf BD0IBC, BANKED ; set byte count to 0 movlw 0xC8 movwf BD0IST, BANKED ; send packet as DATA1, set UOWN bit otherwise bsf USB_error_flags, 0, BANKED ; set Request Error flag endi break case GET_INTERFACE movf USB_USWSTAT, W, BANKED select case CONFIG_STATE ifl USB_buffer_data+wIndex, LT, NUM_INTERFACES banksel BD0IAH movf BD0IAH, W, BANKED movwf FSR0H, ACCESS movf BD0IAL, W, BANKED ; get buffer pointer movwf FSR0L, ACCESS clrf INDF0 ; always send back 0 for bAlternateSetting movlw 0x01 movwf BD0IBC, BANKED ; set byte count to 1 movlw 0xC8 movwf BD0IST, BANKED ; send packet as DATA1, set UOWN bit otherwise bsf USB_error_flags, 0, BANKED ; set Request Error flag endi break default bsf USB_error_flags, 0, BANKED ; set Request Error flag ends break case SET_INTERFACE movf USB_USWSTAT, W, BANKED select case CONFIG_STATE ifl USB_buffer_data+wIndex, LT, NUM_INTERFACES movf USB_buffer_data+wValue, W, BANKED select case 0 ; currently support only bAlternateSetting of 0 banksel BD0IBC clrf BD0IBC, BANKED ; set byte count to 0 movlw 0xC8 movwf BD0IST, BANKED ; send packet as DATA1, set UOWN bit break default bsf USB_error_flags, 0, BANKED ; set Request Error flag ends otherwise bsf USB_error_flags, 0, BANKED ; set Request Error flag endi break default bsf USB_error_flags, 0, BANKED ; set Request Error flag ends break case SET_DESCRIPTOR case SYNCH_FRAME default bsf USB_error_flags, 0, BANKED ; set Request Error flag break ends return ClassRequests movf USB_buffer_data+bRequest, W, BANKED select default bsf USB_error_flags, 0, BANKED ; set Request Error flag ends return VendorRequests movf USB_buffer_data+bRequest, W, BANKED select case SET_RA0 bsf PORTA, 0, ACCESS ; set RA0 high banksel BD0IBC clrf BD0IBC, BANKED ; set byte count to 0 movlw 0xC8 movwf BD0IST, BANKED ; send packet as DATA1, set UOWN bit break case CLR_RA0 bcf PORTA, 0, ACCESS ; set RA0 low banksel BD0IBC clrf BD0IBC, BANKED ; set byte count to 0 movlw 0xC8 movwf BD0IST, BANKED ; send packet as DATA1, set UOWN bit break default bsf USB_error_flags, 0, BANKED ; set Request Error flag ends return ProcessInToken banksel USB_USTAT movf USB_USTAT, W, BANKED andlw 0x18 ; extract the EP bits select case EP0 movf USB_dev_req, W, BANKED select case SET_ADDRESS movf USB_address_pending, W, BANKED movwf UADDR, ACCESS select case 0 movlw DEFAULT_STATE movwf USB_USWSTAT, BANKED #ifdef SHOW_ENUM_STATUS movlw 0xE0 andwf PORTB, F, ACCESS bsf PORTB, 1, ACCESS #endif break default movlw ADDRESS_STATE movwf USB_USWSTAT, BANKED #ifdef SHOW_ENUM_STATUS movlw 0xE0 andwf PORTB, F, ACCESS bsf PORTB, 2, ACCESS #endif ends break case GET_DESCRIPTOR call SendDescriptorPacket break ends break case EP1 break case EP2 break ends return ProcessOutToken banksel USB_USTAT movf USB_USTAT, W, BANKED andlw 0x18 ; extract the EP bits select case EP0 banksel BD0OBC movlw MAX_PACKET_SIZE movwf BD0OBC, BANKED movlw 0x88 movwf BD0OST, BANKED clrf BD0IBC, BANKED ; set byte count to 0 movlw 0xC8 movwf BD0IST, BANKED ; send packet as DATA1, set UOWN bit break case EP1 break case EP2 break ends return SendDescriptorPacket banksel USB_bytes_left ifl USB_bytes_left, LT, MAX_PACKET_SIZE movlw NO_REQUEST movwf USB_dev_req, BANKED ; sending a short packet, so clear device request movf USB_bytes_left, W, BANKED otherwise movlw MAX_PACKET_SIZE endi subwf USB_bytes_left, F, BANKED movwf USB_packet_length, BANKED banksel BD0IBC movwf BD0IBC, BANKED ; set EP0 IN byte count with packet size movf BD0IAH, W, BANKED ; put EP0 IN buffer pointer... movwf FSR0H, ACCESS movf BD0IAL, W, BANKED movwf FSR0L, ACCESS ; ...into FSR0 banksel USB_loop_index forlf USB_loop_index, 1, USB_packet_length call Descriptor ; get next byte of descriptor being sent movwf POSTINC0 ; copy to EP0 IN buffer, and increment FSR0 incf USB_desc_ptr, F, BANKED ; increment the descriptor pointer next USB_loop_index banksel BD0IST movlw 0x40 xorwf BD0IST, W, BANKED ; toggle the DATA01 bit andlw 0x40 ; clear the PIDs bits iorlw 0x88 ; set UOWN and DTS bits movwf BD0IST, BANKED return APPLICATION code Main clrf PORTA, ACCESS movlw 0x0F movwf ADCON1, ACCESS ; set up PORTA to be digital I/Os clrf TRISA, ACCESS ; set up all PORTA pins to be digital outputs call InitUSB ; initialize the USB registers and serial interface engine repeat call ServiceUSB ; service USB requests... banksel USB_USWSTAT until USB_USWSTAT, EQ, CONFIG_STATE ; ...until the host configures the peripheral bsf PORTA, 0, ACCESS ; set RA0 high banksel COUNTER_L clrf COUNTER_L, BANKED clrf COUNTER_H, BANKED repeat banksel COUNTER_L incf COUNTER_L, F, BANKED ifset STATUS, Z, ACCESS incf COUNTER_H, F, BANKED endi ifset COUNTER_H, 7, BANKED bcf PORTA, 1, ACCESS otherwise bsf PORTA, 1, ACCESS endi call ServiceUSB forever end