;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; RDOS operating system ; Copyright (C) 1988-2000, Leif Ekblad ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. The only exception to this rule ; is for commercial usage in embedded systems. For information on ; usage in commercial embedded systems, contact embedded@rdos.net ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ; ; The author of this program may be contacted at leif@rdos.net ; ; KDEB40.ASM ; Kernel part kernel debugger, 40 column x 16 rows version ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; NAME KDEB40 ;;;;;;;;; INTERNAL PROCEDURES ;;;;;;;;;;; GateSize = 16 INCLUDE ..\os\kdebug.def INCLUDE ..\driver.def INCLUDE ..\os\protseg.def INCLUDE ..\user.def INCLUDE ..\os.def INCLUDE ..\user.inc INCLUDE ..\os.inc INCLUDE ..\os\system.def ; ds = datasegment .386p ; ; offsets in trapgate, vmode ; vm_edx EQU -12 osgate_entry STRUC og_sel DW ? og_offset DW ? og_name_sel DW ? og_name_offset DW ? osgate_entry ENDS usergate_entry STRUC ug_name_sel DW ? ug_name_offset DW ? ug_entry_offset16 DW ? ug_entry_sel16 DW ? ug_entry_offset32 DW ? ug_entry_sel32 DW ? ug_entry_offset_v86 DW ? ug_entry_sel_v86 DW ? ug_sel16 DW ? ug_sel32 DW ? ug_transfer DW ? usergate_entry ENDS code SEGMENT byte use16 public 'CODE' extrn dis_ass_one:near extrn float_to_string:near assume cs:code ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; NAME: ReadData ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; ; PARAMETERS: DX:EBX ADDRESS ; ES THREAD ; AL RESULT ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ReadData Proc near push bx push esi mov esi,ebx mov bx,es test gs:tss_eflags+2,2 jz read_data_prot read_data_virt: ReadThreadSegment jmp read_data_done read_data_prot: ReadThreadSelector read_data_done: pop esi pop bx ret ReadData Endp ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; NAME: Delimiter ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Delimiter Proc near push ax push cx mov cx,30 mov al,'-' write_delim_loop: WriteChar loop write_delim_loop pop cx call NewLine pop ax ret Delimiter Endp ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; NAME: NewLine ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; NewLine Proc near push ax mov al,13 WriteChar mov al,10 WriteChar pop ax ret NewLine Endp ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; NAME: Blank ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; ; PARAMETERS: CX Number of blanks to write ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Blank Proc near push ax push cx mov al,' ' blank_loop: WriteChar loop blank_loop pop cx pop ax ret Blank Endp ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; NAME: WriteHexByte ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; ; PARAMETERS: AL Number ; AX Result ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; singel_hex PROC near hex_conv_low: mov ah,al and al,0F0h rol al,1 rol al,1 rol al,1 rol al,1 cmp al,0Ah jb ok_low1 add al,7 ok_low1: add al,30h and ah,0Fh cmp ah,0Ah jb ok_high1 add ah,7 ok_high1: add ah,30h ret singel_hex ENDP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; NAME: WriteHexByte ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; ; PARAMETERS: AL Byte to write ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; WriteHexByte PROC near push ax mov ah,al and al,0F0h rol al,4 cmp al,0Ah jb write_byte_low1 add al,7 write_byte_low1: add al,'0' WriteChar mov al,ah and al,0Fh cmp al,0Ah jb write_byte_high1 add al,7 write_byte_high1: add al,'0' WriteChar pop ax ret WriteHexByte ENDP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; NAME: WriteHexWord ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; ; PARAMETERS: AX Word to write ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; WriteHexWord PROC near xchg al,ah call WriteHexByte xchg al,ah call WriteHexByte ret WriteHexWord ENDP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; NAME: WriteHexDword ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; ; PARAMETERS: EAX Dword to write ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; WriteHexDword PROC near rol eax,8 call WriteHexByte rol eax,8 call WriteHexByte rol eax,8 call WriteHexByte rol eax,8 call WriteHexByte ret WriteHexDword Endp ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; NAME: WriteHexPtr16 ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; ; PARAMETERS: DX Segment ; BX Offset ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; WriteHexPtr16 PROC near push ax mov ax,dx call WriteHexWord mov al,':' WriteChar mov ax,bx call WriteHexWord pop ax ret WriteHexPtr16 ENDP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; NAME: WriteHexPtr32 ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; ; PARAMETERS: DX Segment ; EBX Offset ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; WriteHexPtr32 PROC near push eax mov ax,dx call WriteHexWord mov al,':' WriteChar mov eax,ebx call WriteHexDword pop eax ret WriteHexPtr32 ENDP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; NAME: WriteEflags ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; eflags_tab: ; ; reset set et_cf DB 'NC ', 'CY ' et_1 DB 0,0,0, 0,0,0 et_pf DB 'PO ', 'PE ' et_3 DB 0,0,0, 0,0,0 et_af DB 'NA ', 'AC ' et_5 DB 0,0,0, 0,0,0 et_zf DB 'NZ ', 'ZR ' et_sf DB 'PL ', 'NG ' et_tf DB 0,0,0, 0,0,0 et_if DB 'DI ', 'EI ' et_df DB 'UP ', 'DN ' et_of DB 'NV ', 'OV ' et_12 DB 0,0,0, 0,0,0 et_13 DB 0,0,0, 0,0,0 et_14 DB 'PR ' , 'NT ' et_15 DB 0,0,0, 0,0,0 et_16 DB 0,0,0, 0,0,0 et_vm DB 'PM ', 'VM ' et_vi DB 'PDI', 'PEI' iopl_text DB ' IOPL=',0 WriteEflags PROC near push es push di mov ax,cs mov es,ax mov ax,gs:tss_eflags and ax,200h shr ax,7 or ax,gs:tss_eflags+2 shl eax,16 mov ax,gs:tss_eflags push ds mov ds,gs:tss_thread mov ds,ds:p_process_sel and ax,NOT 200h mov bx,ds:ms_virt_flags and bx,200h or ax,bx pop ds mov di,OFFSET eflags_tab mov cx,19 eflags_loop: mov dl,es:[di] or dl,dl je eflags_skip ; push di test ax,1 jz eflags_pos_ok ; add di,3 jmp eflags_write_one eflags_pos_ok: eflags_write_one: push cx mov cx,3 WriteSizeString pop cx pop di eflags_skip: shr eax,1 add di,6 loop eflags_loop ; mov di,OFFSET iopl_text WriteAsciiz mov ax,gs:tss_eflags shr ax,12 and ax,3 add ax,'0' WriteChar pop di pop es ret WriteEflags ENDP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; NAME: WriteWordRegs ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; ; PARAMETERS: ES:DI Offset to table ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; word_reg_tab1: DB ' CS=' DW OFFSET tss_cs DB ' SS=' DW OFFSET tss_ss DB ' TR=' DW 0 DB ' DT=' DW OFFSET tss_ldt DB 0 word_reg_tab2: DB ' DS=' DW OFFSET tss_ds DB ' ES=' DW OFFSET tss_es DB ' FS=' DW OFFSET tss_fs DB ' GS=' DW OFFSET tss_gs DB 0 WriteWordRegs PROC near word_write_loop: mov al,es:[di] or al,al je word_write_end ; mov cx,4 WriteSizeString add di,4 mov bx,es:[di] or bx,bx jnz word_write_norm ; mov ax,gs call WriteHexWord jmp word_write_cont word_write_norm: mov ax,gs:[bx] call WriteHexWord word_write_cont: add di,2 jmp word_write_loop word_write_end: ret WriteWordRegs ENDP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; NAME: WriteDwordRegs ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; ; PARAMETERS: ES:DI Offset to table ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; dword_reg_tab1: DB ' EAX=' DW OFFSET tss_eax DB ' EBX=' DW OFFSET tss_ebx DB ' ECX=' DW OFFSET tss_ecx DB 0 dword_reg_tab2: DB ' EDX=' DW OFFSET tss_edx DB ' ESI=' DW OFFSET tss_esi DB ' EDI=' DW OFFSET tss_edi DB 0 dword_reg_tab3: DB ' EPC=' DW OFFSET tss_eip DB ' ESP=' DW OFFSET tss_esp DB ' EBP=' DW OFFSET tss_ebp DB 0 WriteDwordRegs PROC near dword_write_loop: mov al,es:[di] or al,al je dword_write_end mov cx,5 WriteSizeString add di,5 mov bx,es:[di] mov eax,gs:[bx] call WriteHexDword add di,2 jmp dword_write_loop dword_write_end: ret WriteDwordRegs ENDP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; NAME: WriteDataRow ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; ; PARAMETERS: AX Segment ; EBX Offset ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; WriteDataRow PROC near mov dx,ax mov ax,gs:tss_thread mov es,ax call WriteHexPtr32 mov cx,8 push ebx write_data_loop: mov al,' ' WriteChar call ReadData jc write_data_inv ; call WriteHexByte jmp write_data_next write_data_inv: WriteChar WriteChar write_data_next: inc ebx loop write_data_loop ; pop ebx write_data_end: ret WriteDataRow ENDP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; NAME: WriteFault ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ft_intr DB 'Int fault ',0 ft_inst DB 'Code fault ',0 ft_idt DB 'idt ',0 ft_ldt DB 'ldt ',0 ft_gdt DB 'gdt ',0 WriteFault PROC near test gs:tss_eflags+2,2 jnz write_fault_end mov es,gs:tss_thread mov ax,es:p_error_code cmp ax,3 je write_fault_end mov ax,cs mov es,ax mov di,OFFSET ft_inst mov ax,gs:tss_error_code or ax,ax jz write_fault_end test ax,1 jz fault_not_int mov di,OFFSET ft_intr fault_not_int: WriteAsciiz ; mov ax,gs:tss_error_code test ax,2 jz fault_not_idt mov di,OFFSET ft_idt jmp write_fault_reason fault_not_idt: mov di,OFFSET ft_gdt test ax,4 jz write_fault_reason mov di,OFFSET ft_ldt write_fault_reason: WriteAsciiz mov ax,gs:tss_error_code and ax,0FFF8h call WriteHexWord ret write_fault_end: mov cx,20 call Blank ret WriteFault ENDP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; NAME: WriteIntCode ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; error_code_tab: ke00 DB 'Divide error ' ke01 DB 'Single step ' ke02 DB 'NMI ' ke03 DB 'Breakpoint ' ke04 DB 'Overflow ' ke05 DB 'Array bounds error ' ke06 DB 'Invalid OP-code ' ke07 DB '80387 not present ' ke08 DB 'Double fault ' ke09 DB '80387 overrun ' ke0A DB 'Invalid TSS ' ke0B DB 'Segment not present ' ke0C DB 'Stack fault ' ke0D DB 'Protection fault ' ke0E DB 'Page fault ' ke0F DB ' ' ke10 DB '80387 error ' ke11 DB 'Cannot emulate ' ke12 DB 'Cannot emulate 80387' ke13 DB 'Now in real mode ' ke14 DB '------------------- ' ke15 DB 'Illegal int request ' ke16 DB 'Undefined method ' ke17 DB 'Invalid handle ' ke18 DB 'Invalid selector ' WriteIntCode Proc near mov es,gs:tss_thread mov ax,20 mul es:p_error_code mov di,OFFSET error_code_tab add di,ax mov ax,cs mov es,ax mov cx,20 WriteSizeString ret WriteIntCode Endp ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; NAME: WriteThread ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; WriteThread Proc near mov ax,gs:tss_thread mov es,ax mov ax,es:p_id call WriteHexWord mov al,' ' WriteChar WriteChar mov di,OFFSET thread_name mov cx,30 WriteSizeString call NewLine ret WriteThread Endp ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; NAME: WriteFreeMem ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; phys_mem_comment DB 'Physical ',0 global_mem_comment DB ', Global ',0 WriteFreeMem PROC near mov ax,cs mov es,ax ; mov di,OFFSET phys_mem_comment WriteAsciiz GetFreePhysical call WriteHexDword ; mov di,OFFSET global_mem_comment WriteAsciiz UsedBigLinear push edx push eax UsedSmallLinear pop edx add eax,edx pop edx call WriteHexDword call NewLine ret WriteFreeMem ENDP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; NAME: WriteData ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; WriteData PROC near push ds mov ax,kdebug_data_sel mov ds,ax mov al,ds:data_good or al,al jz data_no_good mov ax,ds:data_sel mov ebx,ds:data_off call WriteDataRow jmp data_next data_no_good: mov cx,40 call Blank data_next: call NewLine pop ds ; mov ax,gs:tss_cs mov bx,gs:tss_eip+2 shl ebx,16 mov bx,gs:tss_eip call WriteDataRow call NewLine ; mov ax,gs:tss_ss mov bx,gs:tss_esp+2 shl ebx,16 mov bx,gs:tss_esp call WriteDataRow call NewLine ; mov ax,gs:tss_es xor ebx,ebx call WriteDataRow call NewLine ; mov es,gs:tss_thread push gs:tss_eflags+2 mov gs:tss_eflags+2,0 mov ax,es:p_pm_deb_sel mov ebx,es:p_pm_deb_offs call WriteDataRow call NewLine ; mov gs:tss_eflags+2,2 mov ax,es:p_vm_deb_sel mov ebx,es:p_vm_deb_offs call WriteDataRow pop gs:tss_eflags+2 ret WriteData ENDP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; NAME: WriteInstr ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; GetIllegalOsGate PROC near push ds push fs mov ax,osgate_sel mov ds,ax mov fs,[bx].og_name_sel mov si,[bx].og_name_offset mov ax,kdebug_data_sel mov es,ax mov di,OFFSET op_in_text mov cx,40 xor bx,bx illegal_out_os_loop: mov al,fs:[si] or al,al je illegal_out_os_ok stosb inc si inc bx loop illegal_out_os_loop illegal_out_os_ok: inc cx mov al,' ' rep stosb pop fs pop ds ret GetIllegalOsGate ENDP GetIllegalUserGate PROC near push ds push fs mov ax,usergate_sel mov ds,ax mov fs,[bx].ug_name_sel mov si,[bx].ug_name_offset mov ax,kdebug_data_sel mov es,ax mov di,OFFSET op_in_text mov cx,40 xor bx,bx illegal_out_user_loop: mov al,fs:[si] or al,al je illegal_out_user_ok stosb inc si inc bx loop illegal_out_user_loop illegal_out_user_ok: inc cx mov al,' ' rep stosb pop fs pop ds ret GetIllegalUserGate ENDP ; dx:bx = call address GetOsCall PROC near push ds push fs push si mov ax,gs:tss_eflags+2 test ax,2 jnz short get_oscall_error ; mov ax,osgate_sel mov ds,ax xor si,si mov cx,osgate_entries get_oscall_scan_loop: cmp dx,ds:[si].og_sel jne get_oscall_scan_next ; cmp bx,ds:[si].og_offset je get_oscall_found get_oscall_scan_next: add si,8 loop get_oscall_scan_loop ; jmp short get_oscall_error get_oscall_found: mov fs,[si].og_name_sel mov si,[si].og_name_offset mov ax,kdebug_data_sel mov es,ax mov di,OFFSET op_in_text mov cx,40 xor bx,bx get_oscall_out_loop: mov al,fs:[si] or al,al je get_oscall_out_ok ; stosb inc si inc bx loop get_oscall_out_loop get_oscall_out_ok: inc cx mov al,' ' rep stosb clc jmp get_oscall_end get_oscall_error: stc get_oscall_end: pop si pop fs pop ds ret GetOsCall ENDP ; dx:bx = call address GetUserCall PROC near push ds push fs push si mov ax,gs:tss_eflags+2 test ax,2 jnz short get_usercall_error ; mov ax,usergate_sel mov ds,ax xor si,si mov cx,usergate_entries get_usercall_scan_loop: cmp dx,ds:[si].ug_entry_sel16 jne get_usercall_not_entry16 ; cmp bx,ds:[si].ug_entry_offset16 je get_usercall_found get_usercall_not_entry16: cmp dx,ds:[si].ug_entry_sel32 jne get_usercall_not_entry32 ; cmp bx,ds:[si].ug_entry_offset32 je get_usercall_found get_usercall_not_entry32: cmp dx,ds:[si].ug_sel16 je get_usercall_found ; cmp dx,ds:[si].ug_sel32 je get_usercall_found ; add si,32 loop get_usercall_scan_loop ; jmp short get_usercall_error get_usercall_found: mov fs,[si].ug_name_sel mov si,[si].ug_name_offset mov ax,kdebug_data_sel mov es,ax mov di,OFFSET op_in_text mov cx,40 xor bx,bx get_usercall_out_loop: mov al,fs:[si] or al,al je get_usercall_out_ok ; stosb inc si inc bx loop get_usercall_out_loop get_usercall_out_ok: inc cx mov al,' ' rep stosb clc jmp get_usercall_end get_usercall_error: stc get_usercall_end: pop si pop fs pop ds ret GetUserCall ENDP GetMne PROC near push si push di ; xor dl,dl mov bx,gs:tss_cs test byte ptr gs:tss_eflags+2,2 jnz get_cs_bitness_done get_cs_bitness_pm: test bx,4 jz get_cs_bitness_gdt get_cs_bitness_ldt: mov es,gs:tss_thread mov es,es:p_ldt_sel jmp get_cs_bitness_test get_cs_bitness_gdt: mov ax,gdt_sel mov es,ax get_cs_bitness_test: and bx,0FFF8h mov dl,es:[bx+6] shr dl,6 and dl,1 get_cs_bitness_done: mov di,OFFSET op_in_text mov si,OFFSET op_in_code ; mov al,[si] cmp al,66h jne write_op_override_done ; inc si xor dl,1 write_op_override_done: mov ax,[si] cmp ax,0B0Fh jne not_illegal_op write_illegal16: mov al,[si+2] cmp al,0CAh je write_illegal_osgate ; cmp al,0CBh je write_illegal_osgate ; cmp al,0D6h je write_illegal_usergate ; cmp al,0D7h je write_illegal_usergate jmp write_special_end write_illegal_osgate: mov ax,[si+3] cmp ax,osgate_entries jnc write_special_fail ; shl ax,3 mov bx,ax call GetIllegalOsGate mov ds:op_size,bx clc jmp write_special_end write_illegal_usergate: mov eax,[si+3] cmp eax,usergate_entries jnc write_special_fail ; shl eax,5 mov ebx,eax call GetIllegalUserGate mov ds:op_size,bx clc jmp write_special_end not_illegal_op: cmp al,9Ah jne not_call_far ; test dl,1 jz write_call_far16 ; mov dx,[si+5] cmp dx,2 jne not_call32 ; mov eax,[si+1] cmp eax,usergate_entries jnc write_special_fail ; shl eax,5 mov ebx,eax call GetIllegalUserGate mov ds:op_size,bx clc jmp write_special_end not_call32: mov bx,[si+1] mov dx,[si+5] call GetOsCall mov ds:op_size,bx jnc write_special_end ; mov bx,[si+1] mov dx,[si+5] call GetUserCall mov ds:op_size,bx jmp write_special_end write_call_far16: mov bx,[si+1] mov dx,[si+3] call GetOsCall mov ds:op_size,bx jnc write_special_end ; mov bx,[si+1] mov dx,[si+3] call GetUserCall mov ds:op_size,bx jmp write_special_end not_call_far: cmp al,0E8h jne write_special_fail ; test dl,1 jz write_call_near16 ; mov ebx,[si+1] mov dx,gs:tss_cs add ebx,dword ptr gs:tss_eip add ebx,5 call GetUserCall mov ds:op_size,bx jmp write_special_end write_call_near16: mov bx,[si+1] mov dx,gs:tss_cs add bx,gs:tss_eip add bx,3 call GetOsCall mov ds:op_size,bx jnc write_special_end ; mov bx,[si+1] mov dx,gs:tss_cs add bx,gs:tss_eip add bx,3 call GetUserCall mov ds:op_size,bx jmp write_special_end write_special_fail: stc write_special_end: pop di pop si ret GetMne ENDP LoadInstr PROC near xor di,di mov ax,gs:tss_eflags+2 test ax,2 jnz seg_size_ok mov bx,gs:tss_cs test bx,4 jz code_in_gdt code_in_ldt: and bx,0FFF8h xor esi,esi mov si,bx mov es,gs:tss_thread mov es,es:p_ldt_sel mov al,es:[bx+6] shr al,6 and ax,1 mov di,ax jmp seg_size_ok code_in_gdt: mov ax,gdt_sel mov ds,ax and bx,0FFF8h mov al,[bx+6] shr al,6 and ax,1 mov di,ax seg_size_ok: mov ax,kdebug_data_sel mov ds,ax mov es,gs:tss_thread mov dx,gs:tss_cs mov ebx,dword ptr gs:tss_eip mov dword ptr ds:op_ads,ebx mov si,OFFSET op_in_code mov cx,16 get_instr_loop: call ReadData mov [si],al inc ebx inc si loop get_instr_loop ret LoadInstr Endp WriteInstr Proc near call LoadInstr call GetMne jnc write_instr_do call dis_ass_one write_instr_do: mov ax,kdebug_data_sel mov es,ax mov cx,40 mov di,OFFSET op_in_text WriteSizeString call NewLine ret WriteInstr ENDP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; NAME: WriteCoproc ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; dx = skrivposition ; di = math str„ng offset ; si = math register offset math0 DB 'ST(0)= ',0 math1 DB 'ST(1)= ',0 math2 DB 'ST(2)= ',0 math3 DB 'ST(3)= ',0 math4 DB 'ST(4)= ',0 math5 DB 'ST(5)= ',0 math6 DB 'ST(6)= ',0 math7 DB 'ST(7)= ',0 zero DB 'Zero ',0 nan DB 'NAN ',0 empty DB 'EMPTY ',0 ; ax = tag word write_math PROC near WriteAsciiz mov cl,al and cl,3 jz write_math_norm ; cmp cl,1 je write_math_zero ; cmp cl,2 je write_math_nan write_math_empty: push es mov di,cs mov es,di mov di,OFFSET Empty WriteAsciiz call NewLine pop es ret write_math_nan: push es mov di,cs mov es,di mov di,OFFSET nan WriteAsciiz call NewLine pop es ret write_math_zero: push es mov di,cs mov es,di mov di,OFFSET zero WriteAsciiz call NewLine pop es ret write_math_norm: fld tbyte ptr gs:[si] push es push ax ; mov ax,kdebug_data_sel mov es,ax mov di,OFFSET op_in_text mov al,' ' mov cx,35 rep stosb mov cx,35 mov di,OFFSET op_in_text mov dl,18 call float_to_string WriteSizeString pop ax pop es call NewLine ret write_math ENDP WriteCoproc Proc near mov ax,cs mov es,ax finit mov dx,gs:math_tag mov ax,gs:math_status shr ax,3 mov cl,ah and cl,7 add cl,cl ror dx,cl mov edi,cr0 test di,4 jz write_real_math ; movzx si,cl mov ax,si shl ax,2 add si,ax add si,OFFSET math_st0 jmp write_math_do write_real_math: mov si,OFFSET math_st0 write_math_do: mov ax,dx mov di,OFFSET math0 call write_math ; ror ax,2 cmp si,OFFSET math_st7 jne write_inc_st1 ; mov si,OFFSET math_st0 jmp write_st1 write_inc_st1: add si,10 write_st1: mov di,OFFSET math1 call write_math ; ror ax,2 cmp si,OFFSET math_st7 jne write_inc_st2 ; mov si,OFFSET math_st0 jmp write_st2 write_inc_st2: add si,10 write_st2: mov di,OFFSET math2 call write_math ; ror ax,2 cmp si,OFFSET math_st7 jne write_inc_st3 ; mov si,OFFSET math_st0 jmp write_st3 write_inc_st3: add si,10 write_st3: mov di,OFFSET math3 call write_math ; ror ax,2 cmp si,OFFSET math_st7 jne write_inc_st4 ; mov si,OFFSET math_st0 jmp write_st4 write_inc_st4: add si,10 write_st4: mov di,OFFSET math4 call write_math ; ror ax,2 cmp si,OFFSET math_st7 jne write_inc_st5 ; mov si,OFFSET math_st0 jmp write_st5 write_inc_st5: add si,10 write_st5: mov di,OFFSET math5 call write_math ; ror ax,2 cmp si,OFFSET math_st7 jne write_inc_st6 ; mov si,OFFSET math_st0 jmp write_st6 write_inc_st6: add si,10 write_st6: mov di,OFFSET math6 call write_math ; ror ax,2 cmp si,OFFSET math_st7 jne write_inc_st7 ; mov si,OFFSET math_st0 jmp write_st7 write_inc_st7: add si,10 write_st7: mov di,OFFSET math7 call write_math ret WriteCoproc Endp ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; NAME: WriteCpuReg ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; WriteCpuReg Proc near push es mov ax,cs mov es,ax ; mov di,OFFSET dword_reg_tab1 call WriteDwordRegs call NewLine ; mov di,OFFSET dword_reg_tab2 call WriteDwordRegs call NewLine ; mov di,OFFSET dword_reg_tab3 call WriteDwordRegs call NewLine ; mov di,OFFSET word_reg_tab1 call WriteWordRegs call NewLine ; mov di,OFFSET word_reg_tab2 call WriteWordRegs call NewLine ; call WriteEflags call NewLine pop es ret WriteCpuReg Endp ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; NAME: WriteStatus ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; WriteStatus Proc near call WriteIntCode call WriteFault call NewLine ret WriteStatus Endp ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; NAME: WriteCpu ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; WriteCpu PROC near xor dx,dx xor cx,cx SetCursorPosition call WriteCpuReg call WriteFreeMem call WriteStatus call WriteInstr call WriteThread call WriteData xor dx,dx xor cx,cx SetCursorPosition ret WriteCpu ENDP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; NAME: Register writes ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; ; PARAMETERS: GS Address to readable TSS ; FS Screen selector ; Uses all registers ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; public ds_sel ds_sel PROC near mov ax,gs:tss_ds mov ds:data_sel,ax ret ds_sel ENDP public ss_sel ss_sel PROC near mov ax,gs:tss_ss mov ds:data_sel,ax ret ss_sel ENDP public cs_sel cs_sel PROC near mov ax,gs:tss_cs mov ds:data_sel,ax ret cs_sel ENDP public es_sel es_sel PROC near mov ax,gs:tss_es mov ds:data_sel,ax ret es_sel ENDP public fs_sel fs_sel PROC near mov ax,gs:tss_fs mov ds:data_sel,ax ret fs_sel ENDP public gs_sel gs_sel PROC near mov ax,gs:tss_gs mov ds:data_sel,ax ret gs_sel ENDP public no_adr no_adr PROC near xor eax,eax ret no_adr ENDP public bx_adr bx_adr PROC near movzx eax,gs:tss_ebx ret bx_adr ENDP public bp_adr bp_adr PROC near movzx eax,gs:tss_ebp ret bp_adr ENDP public si_adr si_adr PROC near movzx eax,gs:tss_esi ret si_adr ENDP public di_adr di_adr PROC near movzx eax,gs:tss_edi ret di_adr ENDP public eax_adr eax_adr PROC near mov eax,dword ptr gs:tss_eax ret eax_adr ENDP public ebx_adr ebx_adr PROC near mov eax,dword ptr gs:tss_ebx ret ebx_adr ENDP public ecx_adr ecx_adr PROC near mov eax,dword ptr gs:tss_ecx ret ecx_adr ENDP public edx_adr edx_adr PROC near mov eax,dword ptr gs:tss_edx ret edx_adr ENDP public esi_adr esi_adr PROC near mov eax,dword ptr gs:tss_esi ret esi_adr ENDP public edi_adr edi_adr PROC near mov eax,dword ptr gs:tss_edi ret edi_adr ENDP public ebp_adr ebp_adr PROC near mov eax,dword ptr gs:tss_ebp ret ebp_adr ENDP public esp_adr esp_adr PROC near mov eax,dword ptr gs:tss_esp ret esp_adr ENDP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; NAME: interact_inc ; ; DESCRIPTION: Interact increment ; ; PARAMETERS: GS TSS ; DX:ESI Adress to data ; CL Number of digits ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; interact_incr PROC near push eax push bx push esi xor eax,eax clc rcr cl,1 mov al,cl pushf add esi,eax mov bx,gs:tss_thread test gs:tss_eflags+2,2 jz interact_inc_read_prot interact_inc_read_virt: ReadThreadSegment jmp interact_inc_read_done interact_inc_read_prot: ReadThreadSelector interact_inc_read_done: popf jnc inc_low inc_hi: add al,10h jmp inc_j inc_low: mov ah,al inc al and al,0Fh and ah,0F0h or al,ah inc_j: test gs:tss_eflags+2,2 jz interact_inc_write_prot interact_inc_write_virt: WriteThreadSegment jmp interact_inc_write_done interact_inc_write_prot: WriteThreadSelector interact_inc_write_done: pop esi pop bx pop eax ret interact_incr ENDP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; NAME: interact_dec ; ; DESCRIPTION: Interact decrement ; ; PARAMETERS: GS TSS ; DX:ESI Adress to data ; CL Number of digits ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; interact_decr PROC near push eax push bx push esi xor eax,eax clc rcr cl,1 mov al,cl pushf add esi,eax mov bx,gs:tss_thread test gs:tss_eflags+2,2 jz interact_dec_read_prot interact_dec_read_virt: ReadThreadSegment jmp interact_dec_read_done interact_dec_read_prot: ReadThreadSelector interact_dec_read_done: popf jnc dec_low dec_hi: sub al,10h jmp dec_j dec_low: mov ah,al dec al and al,0Fh and ah,0F0h or al,ah dec_j: test gs:tss_eflags+2,2 jz interact_dec_write_prot interact_dec_write_virt: WriteThreadSegment jmp interact_dec_write_done interact_dec_write_prot: WriteThreadSelector interact_dec_write_done: pop esi pop bx pop eax ret interact_decr ENDP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; NAME: interact_set_value ; ; DESCRIPTION: Interact set new value ; ; PARAMETERS: GS TSS ; DX:ESI Adress to data ; CL Digit # ; CH Value ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; interact_set_value PROC near push eax push bx push esi xor eax,eax clc rcr cl,1 mov al,cl pushf add esi,eax mov bx,gs:tss_thread test gs:tss_eflags+2,2 jz interact_set_read_prot interact_set_read_virt: ReadThreadSegment jmp interact_set_read_done interact_set_read_prot: ReadThreadSelector interact_set_read_done: popf jnc set_low set_hi: and al,0Fh mov ah,ch shl ah,4 or al,ah jmp set_j set_low: and al,0F0h or al,ch set_j: test gs:tss_eflags+2,2 jz interact_set_write_prot interact_set_write_virt: WriteThreadSegment jmp interact_set_write_done interact_set_write_prot: WriteThreadSelector interact_set_write_done: inc word ptr [bp].vm_edx pop esi pop bx pop eax ret interact_set_value ENDP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; NAME: ; ; DESCRIPTION: Register operations ; ; PARAMETERS: GS TSS ; DX:ESI Adress to data ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; incdec PROC near mov fs,dx mov ax,[bp].vm_eax cmp al,'+' jne not_inc_reg inc dword ptr fs:[esi] ret not_inc_reg: cmp al,'-' jne not_dec_reg dec dword ptr fs:[esi] ret not_dec_reg: ret incdec ENDP incdec_eax PROC near mov dx,gs mov esi,OFFSET tss_eax call incdec ret incdec_eax ENDP change_eax PROC near mov dx,gs mov esi,OFFSET tss_eax push di ret ret change_eax ENDP incdec_ebx PROC near mov dx,gs mov esi,OFFSET tss_ebx call incdec ret incdec_ebx ENDP change_ebx PROC near mov dx,gs mov esi,OFFSET tss_ebx push di ret ret change_ebx ENDP incdec_ecx PROC near mov dx,gs mov esi,OFFSET tss_ecx call incdec ret incdec_ecx ENDP change_ecx PROC near mov dx,gs mov esi,OFFSET tss_ecx push di ret ret change_ecx ENDP incdec_edx PROC near mov dx,gs mov esi,OFFSET tss_edx call incdec ret incdec_edx ENDP change_edx PROC near mov dx,gs mov esi,OFFSET tss_edx push di ret ret change_edx ENDP incdec_esi PROC near mov dx,gs mov esi,OFFSET tss_esi call incdec ret incdec_esi ENDP change_esi PROC near mov dx,gs mov esi,OFFSET tss_esi push di ret ret change_esi ENDP incdec_edi PROC near mov dx,gs mov esi,OFFSET tss_edi call incdec ret incdec_edi ENDP change_edi PROC near mov dx,gs mov esi,OFFSET tss_edi push di ret ret change_edi ENDP incdec_esp PROC near mov dx,gs mov esi,OFFSET tss_esp call incdec ret incdec_esp ENDP change_esp PROC near mov dx,gs mov esi,OFFSET tss_esp push di ret ret change_esp ENDP incdec_ebp PROC near mov dx,gs mov esi,OFFSET tss_ebp call incdec ret incdec_ebp ENDP change_ebp PROC near mov dx,gs mov esi,OFFSET tss_ebp push di ret ret change_ebp ENDP incdec_epc PROC near mov dx,gs mov esi,OFFSET tss_eip call incdec ret incdec_epc ENDP change_epc PROC near mov dx,gs mov esi,OFFSET tss_eip push di ret ret change_epc ENDP incdec_cs PROC near mov dx,gs mov esi,OFFSET tss_cs call incdec ret incdec_cs ENDP change_cs PROC near and cl,3 mov dx,gs mov esi,OFFSET tss_cs push di ret ret change_cs ENDP incdec_ds PROC near mov dx,gs mov esi,OFFSET tss_ds call incdec ret incdec_ds ENDP change_ds PROC near and cl,3 mov dx,gs mov esi,OFFSET tss_ds push di ret ret change_ds ENDP incdec_es PROC near mov dx,gs mov esi,OFFSET tss_es call incdec ret incdec_es ENDP change_es PROC near and cl,3 mov dx,gs mov esi,OFFSET tss_es push di ret ret change_es ENDP incdec_fs PROC near mov dx,gs mov esi,OFFSET tss_fs call incdec ret incdec_fs ENDP change_fs PROC near and cl,3 mov dx,gs mov esi,OFFSET tss_fs push di ret ret change_fs ENDP incdec_gs PROC near mov dx,gs mov esi,OFFSET tss_gs call incdec ret incdec_gs ENDP change_gs PROC near and cl,3 mov dx,gs mov esi,OFFSET tss_gs push di ret ret change_gs ENDP incdec_ss PROC near mov dx,gs mov esi,OFFSET tss_ss call incdec ret incdec_ss ENDP change_ss PROC near and cl,3 mov dx,gs mov esi,OFFSET tss_ss push di ret ret change_ss ENDP toggle_cy PROC near mov bx,OFFSET tss_eflags xor word ptr gs:[bx],1 ret toggle_cy ENDP toggle_pa PROC near mov bx,OFFSET tss_eflags xor word ptr gs:[bx],4 ret toggle_pa ENDP toggle_ac PROC near mov bx,OFFSET tss_eflags xor word ptr gs:[bx],10h ret toggle_ac ENDP toggle_zr PROC near mov bx,OFFSET tss_eflags xor word ptr gs:[bx],40h ret toggle_zr ENDP toggle_pl PROC near mov bx,OFFSET tss_eflags xor word ptr gs:[bx],80h ret toggle_pl ENDP toggle_im PROC near mov bx,OFFSET tss_eflags xor word ptr gs:[bx],200h ret toggle_im ENDP toggle_dir PROC near mov bx,OFFSET tss_eflags xor word ptr gs:[bx],400h ret toggle_dir ENDP toggle_ov PROC near mov bx,OFFSET tss_eflags xor word ptr gs:[bx],800h ret toggle_ov ENDP toggle_nt PROC near mov bx,OFFSET tss_eflags xor word ptr gs:[bx],4000h ret toggle_nt ENDP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; NAME: ; ; DESCRIPTION: Memory operations ; ; PARAMETERS: GS TSS ; DX:ESI Adress to data ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; mem_do PROC near mov cl,[bp].vm_edx sub cl,cs:[bx+debug_col] mov bx,gs:tss_thread mem_do_next: cmp cl,3 jc mem_do_alloc sub cl,3 inc esi jmp mem_do_next mem_do_alloc: cmp cl,2 je mem_do_end xor cl,1 push cx push OFFSET mem_do_free push di ret mem_do_free: pop cx or cl,cl jnz mem_do_end inc byte ptr [bp].vm_edx mem_do_end: ret mem_do ENDP mem_ads PROC near ret mem_ads ENDP mem_cs PROC near mov dx,gs:tss_cs mov si,OFFSET tss_eip mov esi,gs:[si] call mem_do ret mem_cs ENDP mem_ss PROC near mov dx,gs:tss_ss mov si,OFFSET tss_esp mov esi,gs:[si] call mem_do ret mem_ss ENDP mem_es PROC near mov dx,gs:tss_es xor esi,esi call mem_do ret mem_es ENDP mem_pm PROC near push gs:tss_eflags+2 mov gs:tss_eflags+2,0 mov es,gs:tss_thread mov dx,es:p_pm_deb_sel mov esi,es:p_pm_deb_offs call mem_do pop gs:tss_eflags+2 ret mem_pm ENDP change_pm_sel PROC near push gs:tss_eflags+2 mov gs:tss_eflags+2,0 mov dx,gs:tss_thread and cl,3 mov esi,OFFSET p_pm_deb_sel push cx push OFFSET change_pm_sel_ret push di ret change_pm_sel_ret: pop cx or cl,cl jnz change_pm_sel_error inc byte ptr [bp].vm_edx change_pm_sel_error: pop gs:tss_eflags+2 ret change_pm_sel ENDP change_pm_offs PROC near push gs:tss_eflags+2 mov gs:tss_eflags+2,0 mov dx,gs:tss_thread mov esi,OFFSET p_pm_deb_offs push cx push OFFSET change_pm_offs_ret push di ret change_pm_offs_ret: pop cx or cl,cl jnz change_pm_offs_error inc byte ptr [bp].vm_edx change_pm_offs_error: pop gs:tss_eflags+2 ret change_pm_offs ENDP mem_vm PROC near push gs:tss_eflags+2 mov gs:tss_eflags+2,2 mov es,gs:tss_thread mov dx,es:p_vm_deb_sel mov esi,es:p_vm_deb_offs call mem_do pop gs:tss_eflags+2 ret mem_vm ENDP change_vm_sel PROC near push gs:tss_eflags+2 mov gs:tss_eflags+2,0 mov dx,gs:tss_thread and cl,3 mov esi,OFFSET p_vm_deb_sel push cx push OFFSET change_vm_sel_ret push di ret change_vm_sel_ret: pop cx or cl,cl jnz change_vm_sel_error inc byte ptr [bp].vm_edx change_vm_sel_error: pop gs:tss_eflags+2 ret change_vm_sel ENDP change_vm_offs PROC near push gs:tss_eflags+2 mov gs:tss_eflags+2,0 mov dx,gs:tss_thread mov esi,OFFSET p_vm_deb_offs push cx push OFFSET change_vm_offs_ret push di ret change_vm_offs_ret: pop cx or cl,cl jnz change_vm_offs_error inc byte ptr [bp].vm_edx change_vm_offs_error: pop gs:tss_eflags+2 ret change_vm_offs ENDP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; NAME: debug_call_do ; ; DESCRIPTION: Perform a function ; ; PARAMETERS: GS TSS ; DI Offset to debug-function ; CH Digit / param ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; debug_table: ; ; rad kolumn antal action ; meax DW 0, 1, 3, OFFSET incdec_eax deax DW 0, 5, 8, OFFSET change_eax mebx DW 0, 14, 3, OFFSET incdec_ebx debx DW 0, 18, 8, OFFSET change_ebx mecx DW 0, 27, 3, OFFSET incdec_ecx decx DW 0, 31, 8, OFFSET change_ecx medx DW 1, 1, 3, OFFSET incdec_edx dedx DW 1, 5, 8, OFFSET change_edx mesi DW 1, 14, 3, OFFSET incdec_esi desi DW 1, 18, 8, OFFSET change_esi medi DW 1, 27, 3, OFFSET incdec_edi dedi DW 1, 31, 8, OFFSET change_edi mepc DW 2, 1, 3, OFFSET incdec_epc depc DW 2, 5, 8, OFFSET change_epc mesp DW 2, 14, 3, OFFSET incdec_esp desp DW 2, 18, 8, OFFSET change_esp mebp DW 2, 27, 3, OFFSET incdec_ebp debp DW 2, 31, 8, OFFSET change_ebp mcs DW 3, 1, 2, OFFSET incdec_cs dcs DW 3, 4, 4, OFFSET change_cs mss DW 3, 9, 2, OFFSET incdec_ss dss DW 3, 12, 4, OFFSET change_ss mds DW 4, 1, 2, OFFSET incdec_ds dds DW 4, 4, 4, OFFSET change_ds mes DW 4, 9, 2, OFFSET incdec_es des DW 4, 12, 4, OFFSET change_es mfs DW 4, 17, 2, OFFSET incdec_fs dfs DW 4, 20, 4, OFFSET change_fs mgs DW 4, 25, 2, OFFSET incdec_gs dgs DW 4, 28, 4, OFFSET change_gs dcy DW 5, 0, 2, OFFSET toggle_cy dpa DW 5, 3, 2, OFFSET toggle_pa dac DW 5, 6, 2, OFFSET toggle_ac dzr DW 5, 9, 2, OFFSET toggle_zr dplc DW 5, 12, 2, OFFSET toggle_pl disf DW 5, 15, 2, OFFSET toggle_im ddir DW 5, 18, 2, OFFSET toggle_dir dov DW 5, 21, 2, OFFSET toggle_ov dnt DW 5, 24, 2, OFFSET toggle_nt dgo DW 8, 0, 30, OFFSET go_sw dtra DW 9, 0, 20, OFFSET trace_sw dnex DW 9, 20, 20, OFFSET next_sw mdad DW 10, 14, 23, OFFSET mem_ads mdcs DW 11, 14, 23, OFFSET mem_cs mdss DW 12, 14, 23, OFFSET mem_ss mdes DW 13, 14, 23, OFFSET mem_es pms DW 14, 0, 4, OFFSET change_pm_sel pmo DW 14, 5, 8, OFFSET change_pm_offs pdat DW 14, 14, 23, OFFSET mem_pm vms DW 15, 0, 4, OFFSET change_vm_sel vmo DW 15, 5, 8, OFFSET change_vm_offs vdat DW 15, 14, 23, OFFSET mem_vm dend DW 0FFFFh, 0FFFFh debug_row EQU 0 debug_col EQU 2 debug_ant EQU 4 debug_call EQU 6 debug_size EQU 8 debug_call_do PROC near mov ax,[bp].vm_edx mov bx,OFFSET debug_table d_c_loop: mov cl,cs:[bx+debug_row] cmp cl,0FFh je d_c_end cmp cl,ah jne not_this_entry mov cl,al sub cl,cs:[bx+debug_col] cmp cl,cs:[bx+debug_ant] jnc not_this_entry xor cl,7 and cl,7 call word ptr cs:[bx+debug_call] jmp d_c_end not_this_entry: add bx,debug_size jmp d_c_loop d_c_end: ret debug_call_do ENDP inc_sw PROC near pusha mov di,OFFSET interact_incr call debug_call_do popa ret inc_sw ENDP dec_sw PROC near pusha mov di,OFFSET interact_decr call debug_call_do popa ret dec_sw ENDP ; ; ch = siffra ; set_base_sw PROC near pusha mov di,OFFSET interact_set_value call debug_call_do popa ret set_base_sw ENDP set0_sw PROC near mov ch,0 call set_base_sw ret set0_sw ENDP set1_sw PROC near mov ch,1 call set_base_sw ret set1_sw ENDP set2_sw PROC near mov ch,2 call set_base_sw ret set2_sw ENDP set3_sw PROC near mov ch,3 call set_base_sw ret set3_sw ENDP set4_sw PROC near mov ch,4 call set_base_sw ret set4_sw ENDP set5_sw PROC near mov ch,5 call set_base_sw ret set5_sw ENDP set6_sw PROC near mov ch,6 call set_base_sw ret set6_sw ENDP set7_sw PROC near mov ch,7 call set_base_sw ret set7_sw ENDP set8_sw PROC near mov ch,8 call set_base_sw ret set8_sw ENDP set9_sw PROC near mov ch,9 call set_base_sw ret set9_sw ENDP setA_sw PROC near mov ch,0Ah call set_base_sw ret setA_sw ENDP setB_sw PROC near mov ch,0Bh call set_base_sw ret setB_sw ENDP setC_sw PROC near mov ch,0Ch call set_base_sw ret setC_sw ENDP setD_sw PROC near mov ch,0Dh call set_base_sw ret setD_sw ENDP setE_sw PROC near mov ch,0Eh call set_base_sw ret setE_sw ENDP setF_sw PROC near mov ch,0Fh call set_base_sw ret setF_sw ENDP go_sw PROC near DebugGo ret go_sw ENDP trace_sw PROC near DebugTrace ret trace_sw ENDP pace_sw PROC near DebugPace ret pace_sw ENDP reg_sw PROC near mov es,gs:tss_thread mov gs,es:p_tss_data_sel call WriteCpu ret reg_sw ENDP next_sw PROC near DebugNext ret next_sw ENDP error_sw PROC near ret error_sw ENDP virt_sw_run PROC near xor edx,edx mov dx,[bp].vm_edx shl edx,4 push ds mov ax,gdt_sel mov ds,ax mov bx,temp_sel mov word ptr [bx],0FFFFh mov [bx+2],edx mov byte ptr [bx+5],9Ah shr edx,16 xor dl,dl mov [bx+6],dx pop ds mov ax,[bp].vm_ebx xchg ax,ds:tss_eip xchg bx,ds:tss_cs push es push bx mov bx,ds:tss_ss mov es,bx pop bx xor edx,edx mov dx,ds:tss_esp sub dx,4 mov ds:tss_esp,dx mov es:[edx],ax mov es:[edx+2],bx pop es ret virt_sw_run ENDP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; NAME: debug_call_pr ; ; DESCRIPTION: Main debug entry ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; virt_sw_func_tab: vs_00 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_01 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_02 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_03 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_04 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_05 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_06 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_07 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_08 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_09 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_0A DW OFFSET error_sw vs_0B DW OFFSET error_sw vs_0C DW OFFSET error_sw vs_0D DW OFFSET error_sw vs_0E DW OFFSET error_sw vs_0F DW OFFSET error_sw vs_10 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_11 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_12 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_13 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_14 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_15 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_16 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_17 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_18 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_19 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_1A DW OFFSET error_sw vs_1B DW OFFSET error_sw vs_1C DW OFFSET error_sw vs_1D DW OFFSET error_sw vs_1E DW OFFSET error_sw vs_1F DW OFFSET error_sw vs_20 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_21 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_22 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_23 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_24 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_25 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_26 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_27 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_28 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_29 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_2A DW OFFSET error_sw vs_2B DW OFFSET inc_sw vs_2C DW OFFSET error_sw vs_2D DW OFFSET dec_sw vs_2E DW OFFSET error_sw vs_2F DW OFFSET error_sw vs_30 DW OFFSET set0_sw vs_31 DW OFFSET set1_sw vs_32 DW OFFSET set2_sw vs_33 DW OFFSET set3_sw vs_34 DW OFFSET set4_sw vs_35 DW OFFSET set5_sw vs_36 DW OFFSET set6_sw vs_37 DW OFFSET set7_sw vs_38 DW OFFSET set8_sw vs_39 DW OFFSET set9_sw vs_3A DW OFFSET error_sw vs_3B DW OFFSET error_sw vs_3C DW OFFSET error_sw vs_3D DW OFFSET error_sw vs_3E DW OFFSET error_sw vs_3F DW OFFSET error_sw vs_40 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_41 DW OFFSET setA_sw vs_42 DW OFFSET setB_sw vs_43 DW OFFSET setC_sw vs_44 DW OFFSET setD_sw vs_45 DW OFFSET setE_sw vs_46 DW OFFSET setF_sw vs_47 DW OFFSET go_sw vs_48 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_49 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_4A DW OFFSET error_sw vs_4B DW OFFSET error_sw vs_4C DW OFFSET error_sw vs_4D DW OFFSET error_sw vs_4E DW OFFSET next_sw vs_4F DW OFFSET error_sw vs_50 DW OFFSET pace_sw vs_51 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_52 DW OFFSET reg_sw vs_53 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_54 DW OFFSET trace_sw vs_55 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_56 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_57 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_58 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_59 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_5A DW OFFSET error_sw vs_5B DW OFFSET error_sw vs_5C DW OFFSET error_sw vs_5D DW OFFSET error_sw vs_5E DW OFFSET error_sw vs_5F DW OFFSET error_sw vs_60 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_61 DW OFFSET setA_sw vs_62 DW OFFSET setB_sw vs_63 DW OFFSET setC_sw vs_64 DW OFFSET setD_sw vs_65 DW OFFSET setE_sw vs_66 DW OFFSET setF_sw vs_67 DW OFFSET go_sw vs_68 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_69 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_6A DW OFFSET error_sw vs_6B DW OFFSET error_sw vs_6C DW OFFSET error_sw vs_6D DW OFFSET error_sw vs_6E DW OFFSET next_sw vs_6F DW OFFSET error_sw vs_70 DW OFFSET pace_sw vs_71 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_72 DW OFFSET reg_sw vs_73 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_74 DW OFFSET trace_sw vs_75 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_76 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_77 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_78 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_79 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_7A DW OFFSET error_sw vs_7B DW OFFSET error_sw vs_7C DW OFFSET error_sw vs_7D DW OFFSET error_sw vs_7E DW OFFSET error_sw vs_7F DW OFFSET error_sw vs_80 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_81 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_82 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_83 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_84 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_85 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_86 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_87 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_88 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_89 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_8A DW OFFSET error_sw vs_8B DW OFFSET error_sw vs_8C DW OFFSET error_sw vs_8D DW OFFSET error_sw vs_8E DW OFFSET error_sw vs_8F DW OFFSET error_sw vs_90 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_91 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_92 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_93 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_94 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_95 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_96 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_97 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_98 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_99 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_9A DW OFFSET error_sw vs_9B DW OFFSET error_sw vs_9C DW OFFSET error_sw vs_9D DW OFFSET error_sw vs_9E DW OFFSET error_sw vs_9F DW OFFSET error_sw vs_A0 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_A1 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_A2 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_A3 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_A4 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_A5 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_A6 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_A7 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_A8 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_A9 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_AA DW OFFSET error_sw vs_AB DW OFFSET error_sw vs_AC DW OFFSET error_sw vs_AD DW OFFSET error_sw vs_AE DW OFFSET error_sw vs_AF DW OFFSET error_sw vs_B0 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_B1 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_B2 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_B3 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_B4 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_B5 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_B6 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_B7 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_B8 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_B9 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_BA DW OFFSET error_sw vs_BB DW OFFSET error_sw vs_BC DW OFFSET error_sw vs_BD DW OFFSET error_sw vs_BE DW OFFSET error_sw vs_BF DW OFFSET error_sw vs_C0 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_C1 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_C2 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_C3 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_C4 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_C5 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_C6 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_C7 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_C8 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_C9 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_CA DW OFFSET error_sw vs_CB DW OFFSET error_sw vs_CC DW OFFSET error_sw vs_CD DW OFFSET error_sw vs_CE DW OFFSET error_sw vs_CF DW OFFSET error_sw vs_D0 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_D1 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_D2 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_D3 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_D4 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_D5 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_D6 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_D7 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_D8 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_D9 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_DA DW OFFSET error_sw vs_DB DW OFFSET error_sw vs_DC DW OFFSET error_sw vs_DD DW OFFSET error_sw vs_DE DW OFFSET error_sw vs_DF DW OFFSET error_sw vs_E0 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_E1 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_E2 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_E3 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_E4 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_E5 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_E6 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_E7 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_E8 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_E9 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_EA DW OFFSET error_sw vs_EB DW OFFSET error_sw vs_EC DW OFFSET error_sw vs_ED DW OFFSET error_sw vs_EE DW OFFSET error_sw vs_EF DW OFFSET error_sw vs_F0 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_F1 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_F2 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_F3 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_F4 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_F5 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_F6 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_F7 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_F8 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_F9 DW OFFSET error_sw vs_FA DW OFFSET error_sw vs_FB DW OFFSET error_sw vs_FC DW OFFSET error_sw vs_FD DW OFFSET error_sw vs_FE DW OFFSET error_sw vs_FF DW OFFSET error_sw public debug_call_pr debug_call_pr PROC near push bp mov bp,sp push eax push ebx push edx ; mov ax,[bp].vm_eax cmp al,'r' jz wait_regs cmp al,'R' jnz no_wait_debug wait_regs: mov ax,10 WaitMilliSec no_wait_debug: cmp al,'n' je debug_next cmp al,'N' je debug_next mov ax,kdebug_data_sel mov ds,ax mov si,OFFSET debug_list mov cx,ds:debug_thread verr cx jz debug_found mov ax,system_data_sel mov ds,ax mov cx,[si] mov ax,kdebug_data_sel mov ds,ax mov ds:debug_thread,cx mov ax,[bp].vm_eax mov al,'R' mov [bp].vm_eax,ax debug_found: mov es,cx mov ax,system_data_sel mov ds,ax mov ax,[si] mov dx,ax or dx,dx jz debug_error debug_try_next: cmp ax,cx je debug_do mov es,ax mov ax,es:p_next cmp dx,ax je debug_error jmp debug_try_next debug_error: jmp debug_end debug_do: mov ds,ax mov ax,ds:p_tss_data_sel mov ds,ax mov gs,ax debug_next: mov ax,[bp].vm_eax mov bl,al xor bh,bh add bx,bx call word ptr cs:[bx].virt_sw_func_tab debug_end: xor ax,ax mov ds,ax mov es,ax mov fs,ax mov gs,ax pop edx pop ebx pop eax pop bp ret debug_call_pr ENDP code ENDS END